Worship Service…
Cahill Chancel Choir, Easter 2024
Join us for worship!
Join us at 9:15am on Sunday mornings for our loving, relaxed, yet traditional, Worship Service. Since 1893 our small country church has been raising the roof through worship on Sunday mornings. Now, with a Chancel Choir led by our Music Director, Beth Smith and accompanied by Lynn Moore on organ and piano, the Chancel Choir leads the congregation in an uplifting worship experience. Pastor Billy’s powerful message helps renew our spirits each Sunday and prepares us for the upcoming week. Please join us in worship and allow us to meet you, and love you as Jesus loved.
What is an acolyte?
An Acolyte is a young follower of Jesus assisting in the celebration of our Worship Service. Our young Acolytes light the altar candles bringing in The Light of Christ. At the end of the Worship Service, they extinguish the altar candles and take The Light of Christ out into the World.
Director of A/V Operations
Hayden Young
The Media Team runs our new sound and camera equipment during our Worship Service so that we are able to live-stream and record to Facebook.